
At the Camberwell Osteopathic Clinic we see a vast array of musculoskeletal complaints. These range from the common lower back pain or disc injuries, to the more unusual presentations like ankle pain or elbow discomfort. We treat the entire body!

Here we will be discussing some of the various complaints that we see at the clinic. We’ll discuss what the injury is, how it commonly occurs, what we as osteopaths would do during a treatment and then discuss what management would be prescribed. We believe that education is key and if you have a very clear understanding of the complaint and what the process is, then your chances of full injury recovery are high.

Rhomboid Stretch

This is one of our favourite exercises to prescribe as it really is lovely. Your rhomboid muscles are on your back and often people find it challenging to stretch. By stretching the rhomboids, you’re opening up your posterior rib cage and really opening up your...

Scalene Stretch

The scalene muscles run alongside our neck and are responsible for maintaining good neck position. When we slouch or drop into our head, these muscles engage to pull our head back to where it should be. They often become tight and fatigued and when this happens, often...

Injury Management

Acute Musculoskeletal Injury Management (1 – 3 days) Acute injuries are typically as a result of a traumatic incident that results in the rapid onset in symptoms such as pain, redness, swelling and heat, ie inflammation. First aid management, which aims to...