Posts by Leo Di Giorgio

Leo no longer works at Camberwell Osteopathic Clinic

Coping With Aches & Pains During Lockdown

So, now we have our roadmap, and we know we have a few more weeks to go before things start returning to normal. It’s fantastic news that our actions have helped to reduce the number of infections. Still, you may be missing your usual osteopathic treatment that...

Osteopaths Treat Jaw Pain and Discomfort

Your jaw is an amazing part of your anatomy. The jaw bone (your mandible) sits in a small fossa (or depression) in the temporal bone of your skull. This is why you may have heard of it called the “TMJ”, its other name is the temporomandibular joint. Pain in this part...

What Can I Expect When I See An Osteopath?

Osteopathy is the fastest growing allied-health profession and is now a popular treatment for many types of musculo-skeletal problems as well as aches and pain. It’s patient-centred, gentle and holistic approach to treat the body means that more and more people are...

Is Your Jaw Causing Your Headache?

Headaches are a frequent reason for people to seek medical care. Many visits to osteopaths are motivated by this type of pain. While almost all of us experience the occasional headache, frequent recurring headache can significantly impact on a person’s health and...